The Ethics of Communicating Risk


The Ethics of Communicating Risk

"Negative attitudes about facemasks during the COVID-19 pandemic: The dual importance of perceived ineffectiveness and psychological reactance"

Claire Hooker & Julie Leask
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (2020)

"Risk communication should be explicit about values: A perspective on early communication during COVID-19"

Vincenzo Galasso, Vincent Pons, Paola Profeta, Michael Becher, Sylvain Brouard, & Martial Foucault
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2020)

"Acceptance and Adoption of Protective Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Trust in Politics and Trust in Science"

Simone Dohlea, Tobias Wingena, & Mike Schreibera
Social Psychological Bulletin (2020)

"Public Health and Risk Communication During COVID-19: Enhancing Psychological Needs to Promote Sustainable Behavior Change"

Talya Porat, Rune Nyrup, Rafael A. Calvo, Priya Paudyal, & Elizabeth Ford
Frontiers in Public Health (2020)

"The Ethics of COVID-19 Risk Communication"

Joseph H. Wu & Stephen D. John
Journal of General Internal Medicine (2021)