Human(e) Management of Invasive Species


Human(e) Management of Invasive Species

"The importance of assessing positive and beneficial impacts of alien species"

Giovanni Vimercati, Sabrina Kumschick, Anna F. Probert, Lara Volery, & Sven Bacher
NeoBiota (2020)

"Wildlife ethics and practice: Why we need to change the way we talk about 'invasive species'"

Meera Iona Inglis
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (2020)

"Incorporating Climate Change into Invasive Species Management: Insights from Managers"

Evelyn M. Beaury, Emily J. Fusco, Michelle R. Jackson, Brittany B. Laginhas, Toni Lyn Morelli, Jenica M. Allen, Valerie J. Pasquarella, & Bethany A. Bradley
Biological Invasions (2020)

"A Multidimensional Framework to Inform Stakeholder Engagement in the Science and Management of Invasive and Pest Animal Species"

Lucy Carter, Aditi Mankad, Airong Zhang, Matthew I. Curnock, & Chris R. J. Pollard
Biological Invasions (2021)